The ultimate goal of education is for these young people to get jobs, earn money and break the cycle of poverty. In a country where the unemployment rate hovers around 40%, finding a job is a difficult task. Having received education is already a plus, but the fact that these young people come from the slum makes it even more difficult for them to find work. That is why we think it is important to put corporate social responsibility more on the map in Kenya and to involve companies early on in the process for these young people. Such as a visit to companies, information at schools by companies so that children discover what options there are, offering internships. So that these companies can discover that there are also gems among this group of young people who seize opportunities and are willing to work hard.

The success story of George (24)
One boy whose mother died in 2008 and who was then able to complete his education is George. George is one of the first children in the schooling projects at the start in 2007. He started in grade 8. Then he went on to high school. Two years later, his mother passed away. But his education continued with our help. After high school, he trained as a cook, resulting in a job as a manager in a hotel. George still sends us regular messages telling us how he is doing.